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Why I want to contribute to research in defense technology as a university academic

17. oktober 2023 kl. 12:14
Illustration: Ingeniøren.
Artiklen er ældre end 30 dage

Since February 2022 and the invasion of the Ukrainian democracy by the Russians, many of us have been daily reminded, if that was necessary, how horrible a war is, including outside of the battlefield, from a Russian missile hitting a train station full of civilians waiting for the train to evacuate, to Ukrainian children from the occupied territories being separated from their families and sent somewhere in Russia.

Together with European and American allies, the Danish government and politicians acted swiftly and responsibly by supporting actively the brave Ukrainian people in their fight against the Russian aggressor by sending humanitarian help but also weapon systems, from the Cæsar cannons to F16s, to name but a few.

At the same time, and as exemplified by the sabotage explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, several European countries, including Denmark, wisely decided to act on the consequences of the large geopolitical paradigm shift induced by the war in Ukraine. War is not something anybody would want, but it does not mean it cannot happen.

Helping danish troops

After, roughly speaking, a 30-year period of a decrease in defense spending and the so-called ‘peace dividends’, governments in Europe are pushing for an important Defense ‘upgrade’ so that our democracies be made ready to defend themselves. The investments are significant and include new state-of-the-art Defense systems but will also include important research and innovation aspects in order to prepare for future conflicts. In Denmark, our NFC (National Forsvarteknologi Center), with others, is leading the effort by combining our universities, Danish companies working in the Defense sector, and the experience of the Danish armed forces.

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As a researcher with a focus on technology and drones working at SDU, I am positive about these developments, and definitely think we, as researchers should have the possibility to contribute to research in Defense technology to the benefit of Danish armed forces.

Hence, I was quite disappointed by comments defense research at our university I have read in the press 'I am an aerospace engineer – this is why I don’t build military drones'. While debating is certainly necessary and a sign of a healthy democracy, it is my view that strong statements such as ‘militarization of university’ or that our motivation for doing research on defense-related matters ‘is all about the money’ do not elevate the debate.

Proud of the army

My daughter recently finished her military service for which she volunteered. I got the opportunity to visit her when she was stationed at her base on Bornholm. There, I could witness not only their warm welcoming but also the dedication, passion, rigor and professionalism of these young people and their superiors. Hearing about the intensity of their training, having to perform tasks under sometimes acute exhaustion is quite remarkable.

She is now considering taking an education to become a sergeant. I am only a middle-aged French man, but that she thinks of choosing this path of protecting the peace of Denmark, this country which I love, is, in my view, a most honorable task: I am so proud of her.

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A compelling ethical argument for the development of drones in defense is their potential to decrease the risk to human lives. Potentially my daughter’s and her fellow soldiers’ lives. In traditional warfare, combat personnel are exposed to danger on the front lines. By deploying drones for reconnaissance, surveillance, and even combat operations, we can reduce the need for soldiers to be in harm's way. This not only protects our own troops but can also limit harm to civilians caught in conflict zones.

Drones is an ethical choice

Modern drones used in defense are equipped with advanced technology that allows for unprecedented precision and accuracy in targeting. This precision has the potential of decreasing the likelihood of collateral damage and unintended civilian casualties too. When compared to traditional forms of warfare, where large-scale bombings and artillery fire doesn’t distinguish between civilians and military personel, drones can be seen as an ethical choice that aims to minimize harm.

While I am very much in favor of a researcher’s right to object to a research area or topic (freedom of research is and should be guaranteed in a democracy), I think it is equally important to let and encourage researchers who, like myself, would like to contribute to research and innovation within the Defense sector.

If I am not mistaken, one of the missions of our university is to help the Danish society in different areas, whether it is transport, healthcare, or energy. Regarding possibilities for research and innovation in Denmark, many of these areas have a dedicated fond with significant resources.

We should not be naive

Given the current international context, considering Defense as one of these areas is as important as it will ever be, and I am confident that our politicians and decision makers will find the right way forward.

To be sure, I am all about careful considerations of ethics surrounding the development of drones for defense. The decision of researchers to engage in such work should be accompanied by a recognition of the potential ethical challenges that may arise in the development of defense technology. But this does not mean one should be complacent or naïve. Our society needs defense as much as, say energy.

As a researcher in technology, I sometimes consider my role as helping to develop the right tools for the right people to use them. I just don’t see why our militaries should be excluded from that.

Note: For danish version read HERE.

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